Saturday, January 28, 2012

The new Acura supercar in the movie The Avengers

The new Acura supercar in the movie The Avengers
While waiting to come out the movie The Avengers, which will include a number of Marvel heroes, here is a gem that does not just appear during the movie ... the new Acura which you do not know anything for now, but with confidence in the film, will be Robert Downey Junior's car, aka Iron Man

Of course the Acura could not choose better for the launch of its latest model, the beautiful supercar will probably be the personal car of Tony Stark, as we all know the former billionaire arms manufacturer, and the exaggerated intelligence passion for luxury cars.
For now, this fireball did not know anything about what will be only in the film and its function:
night vision windshield

32-piece forged titanium valves and nitrogen injection system.
Diamond for brake calipers
Steering wheel with ID scan
Lithium dioxide injection dampers
Super-scan lock modulator

Defense systems:
Info-tracker sensor net
Shield exo-visual system in order to change
Enviro-clone hologram project environment
Thermal images and topographic mapping software 
Self-detonation and drone reconnaissance 
wave radar capabilities with modifier
Bullets-proof metal
Night vision HUD windshield 
hyper-bullet-proof tires traction   
Underbody kit with aero-dynamic

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